Mini-ALTO Adaptor for RAD Mounts

Sale price$81.00 NZD

The smiley face adaptor can be added to any RAD-1, RAD-2 or RAD-3 mount to allow the option for converting the mount into a Mini-ALTO windshield. The adaptor is removable and can also be used pointing in either direction on top of a RAD shock mount.

Mini-ALTO Smiley Face Adaptor for RAD Mounts ( NIM-02418 )

  • Use the smiley face adaptor to make any RAD-1, RAD-2 or RAD-3 shock mount ready for a Mini-ALTO windshield
  • The adaptor can be retrofitted onto any existing RAD shock mount
  • You can point the front of the adaptor either direction on the RAD shock mounts, so the front of the microphone faces your preferred direction

Smiley Face Adaptor.

Made in the U.K.

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